Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Helping or Hindering?

As future nurses we are going to be exposed to new ways ofcommunicating between one another and clients. In a society that is continuallygrowing in diversity, the ability to provide adequate health care may bedifficult. To overcome barriers that may hinder communication, technology hasmade it possible to provide a better understanding of ideas and treatments.I think technology is helping in the communicating process with clientsand patients because it allows nurses and other healthcare providers betteroutline care for patients. In some cases patients may not be able to leave theirhomes, technology such as computers and other devices can help them communicatebetween their care providers and determine what care is needed or treatmentshould be implemented.

1 comment:

Karen's Blog said...

What a wonderful and enlightening blog post on technology. You are going to make a great nurse...remember